About This Class

Our personal experience of dating may be unique. We are all different; so why should that be a surprise? We are much more likely to get stuck during dating if we don’t understand what the process should feel for us as an individual.

This class will cover the fundamental concepts about the dating journey, and how and why people can get stuck along the way. We will discuss real-life stories that will bring those ideas to life. We will also have plenty of time for discussion.

If you have any questions about this class (or the rest of the series), please reach out to Leah at [email protected]

About your Presenter

Yossi Ives

Dating Psychologist

(Rabbi Dr.) Yossi Ives is an expert of dating. He is a qualified life coach and author of several books on relationships and coaching psychology, including his recent Shidduch Success. He has worked with hundreds of singles, helping them towards marriage. He is the director of Tag International Development, a humanitarian organization, and is rav of a community in Pomona, New York. He is married with seven children. More about him can be found at www.rabbidrives.org